Dear friends,
We are so blessed here at Trinity by the generosity of our family. God is doing special work as we seek to do His will in Bend, Central Oregon, and beyond. The ministry opportunities are great, and our God is using His people to provide all the resources needed to do His work. Our faculty and staff strive to do everything in an excellent way because our God is an excellent God.
We have one ministry here at Trinity, but several different platforms that reach the various family members we have in our community. Our school is one of those platforms changing lives in Bend, Central Oregon, and beyond.
Trinity has three main income sources to do the ministry God has planned for us. They are tithes/offerings, tuition, and special gifts. So far, since July 1 we have been blessed by $242,368 given in tithes/offerings. Tuition and fees have brought in $1,257,089 to date with 100% of school families current in their accounts.
An annual program called The Trinity Fund was established in 2019/2020 to help us offset expenses not covered by tuition/fees. We give God praise and glory for His abundant blessings.
In addition to this fund, we were also blessed with generous donations to cover all of our performing arts and athletic programs’ costs. Over the years, these programs have become woven into the fabric of the Trinity ministry. The value they add to the student experience, and the life of the Trinity family are tremendous.
When first initiated, the arts and athletic programs were designed to be self-funded. For the 2020/2021 annual budget, we built in these two programs’ expenses and we included them in The Trinity Fund for 2020/2021. Now when you give, you can designate to the Trinity Fund: General, Trinity Fund: Athletics, or Trinity Fund: Performing Arts. So far this year, $12,185 has been donated to Trinity Fund: General, $3,000 has been donated to Trinity Fund: Performing Arts, and $1,100 has been donated to The Trinity Fund: Athletics.
What am I supporting when I give to The Trinity Fund?
Trinity Fund: General
General Funds are used to provide an exceptional experience for Trinity students, including learning equipment, teacher support, professional development, and student assistance. In addition, it helps us with those unexpected costs that we face from time to time.
Trinity Fund: Athletics
The Athletics budget for 2021/2022 includes all fees for uniforms, referees, league fees, tournament fees, stipends for coaches, HS summer camps, coaches’ expenses, media expenses, and more.
Trinity Fund: Performing Arts
The Performing Arts budget for 2021/2022 includes music and classroom supplies, concert expenses, musical royalties,guest musicians, director expenses, new and updated instruments or equipment, and much more.
Our 2021/2022 Goals
General – $145,000.
Athletics – $30,000
Performing Arts – $34,000.
The combined goal for the Trinity Fund is $209,000.
In 2020/2021, these three funds raised $240,554 combined, so this year’s goal once again definitely has some God room built into it. Through the generosity of our Trinity family we were able to cover our entire budget last year and trust God in meeting that goal this coming year.
How can I give?
Go to the website and select the Give button. The options to support the Trinity Fund are there.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support of The Trinity Fund. God always meets our needs, and we trust in Him alone.
be God’s,
Gregg Pinick
Executive Director/Head of Schools